Week of July 15, 2011
Just when you thought you had run out of resources, you shall happen upon one most valuable. Whenever you hit that proverbial jackpot, do as the Native Americans and offer your immediate gratitude. Make an extra effort to show your appreciation for the provision so particular to your individual needs and so miraculously on time. Guarantee a longer lasting relationship by being overly thank-filled.
Aries of the Week: Gabriela Mistral
You're falling fast and free this week bulls-especially as you shed yourself of most un-necessary responsibility and obligation. Notice how much easier it is to travel without the weight of those burdensome chains? Keep the feeling this gives you in mind so that you are less likely to re-attach them anytime soon. Enjoy the ecstasy that comes with being so unhinged. Marvel in and at the joy of newfound liberty.
TaurusAries of the Week: "Art and Revolution" anti-corporate procession marches through Seattle
To see past all "illusion", simply close your eyes twins. Blindess will improve your vision this week. The truth shall be more easily located after you turn out the lights and are fully submerged in the darkness. Without the use of words (your primary tool!), you are more likely to gain not only knowledge but an undeniable certainty, which cannot be deciphered but only FELT.
Gemini of the Week: Lusty Lady, the first co-op erotic dance club
I couldn't imagine just how dull life would be without you. Luckily, neither I nor anyone else will have to suffer your absence. Especially in the week ahead, you are more present than ever. Your spirit is currently ubiquitous, birthday child. Take rightful advantage of the chance to be heard, seen, appreciated, understood, admired and consulted. Lay high, not low, for a glorious change.
Cancer of the Week: Bastille Day
Talk not out of two different sides of your mouth, cats. You don't stand a chance of securing your true desires until you eliminate the double speak. On that note, let your inside voice be the same as the one you use outside. May there be no secrets between you and the world, O mighty lion. Then there will be less walls which stand between you and life in general, making everything more personally accessible to you.
Leo of the Week: Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution
Put things back on your terms this week, virg. Historically, you've never accomplished your most magical and miraculous feats by jumping at the demands of others. While certain outlooks and points of view are definitely valuable sources of wisdom, others are either just foolish, ignorant, or inexperienced. Be discerning when taking advice and in this moment of imminent victory, trust your own inner voice above all others.
Virgo of the Week: first election of the Irish Free state
Practice smiling extra big this week, scales. Let your mouth hang open a little even, so that anything can fall right into it, including a sweet kiss, a tasty bon-bon, ice cool water with a hint of mint, or just a large gulp of refreshing air. It's not for the cameras so much as it is to attract your own personal nourishment.
Libra of the Week: world record for longest Kiss: 17 days, 10.5 hours
Move on and also upwards this week scorpion. Your personal levels of clarity, momentum, focus, and direction are all senses returning to you, in higher than average or ever before experienced levels. Glide along with the trend, making good use of the extra energy to draw certain lines, secure a plan, and bounce forward.
Scorpio of the Week: "Memphis Blues" the first blues song ever recorded
The way to gain admission to the house of true love will not be by banging its door down, archers. Rather, it shall be by way of your dedication, demonstration, loyalty and large hearted-ness that you gain direct entry. Brute force will not grant you access to this particular garden. Smooth sincerity WILL.
Sagittarius of the Week: dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe
I think it's so lame when people turn the music down just when the party's about to reach its loudest and most powerful point. This week, in honor of the full moon in your sign, pump up the volume and dance, billy goats. Break the sound barrier and all other "obstacles" as even just a symbol of your own willingness to cross the great divide from the boring and predicatable into the vast and superfluous unknown.
Capricorn of the Week: Swiss Revolution
Wear lots of green this week, water bearer, just to make it totally clear that you intend to announce your brightest ideas very soon. As those hi-fo notions emerge, let your own standard of living reflect the trend- the language you choose, company you keep, and clothing you don all a re-iteration of your own mega flavor.
Aquarius of the Week: The Communist Manifesto
July 14 is Bastille Day, independence day for the french. Your own freedom takes place this week as well. And I urge you to be just as celebratory as you herald the start of a liberty you have also long fought for, having sacrificed all that was necessary along the way in order to arrive at this particular moment of uninhibited expression. This is clearly a festivity worth the extra frills and thrills.
Pisces of the Week: International Sex Workers RIghts Day